Photos and Review by Sarah Smith
Concert Photos HERE
The stage went dark as the crowd began to roar; the band members made their way on stage waving and welcoming their fans. I quickly learned that Hinder had replaced their original lead singer with Marshal Dutton, who has worked with the band for some time and has a history with their sound. Dutton went on stage a few moments after the band. His entrance caused an uproar as he motioned his guests to get their hands in the air and begin cheering. To start the set they played some newer songs including Hit the Ground. Then they pulled a quick surprise by covering Stone Temple Pilot’s Wicked Garden.
Dutton was very animated and full of energy as he tossed himself around the stage like a lifeless rag doll. He would reach his hand out to the crowd, shake hands, give hugs, take pictures with fans, all while singing the set. He even took peoples’ phones and took pictures of them, recording from his angle on the stage. This went on several times throughout the set, giving his fans a highly memorable show. They slowed things down towards the end of the night as Dutton spoke softly about this song they were about to play next, talking of love and heartache. Immediately he received tons of applause and support as most knew what to expect. It was almost as if every person in that room just paid to simultaneously sing Lips of an Angel, digging up old memories of former lovers and singing to them as if they could somehow, somewhere be heard. For a hard rock band, Hinder can certainly slow things down and fill a room with hundreds of voices singing harmoniously to a well known, beautifully devastating anthem.
Hinder closed that evening with two of their other well known songs, Better Than Me and Get Stoned. A couple more total crowd pleasers. These guys are a must see band, preferably in a tight, sweat-soaked venue where you are uncomfortably close to those around you as you all saturate in nostalgic heartache together. It’s all is worth it in the end when Dutton reaches his hand out to you from stage as he sings Up All Night.
Hinder at the Jewel Night Club – Manchester, NH