Photos and Review by Tom Bogus
Concert Photos HERE
Grammy Award winning Motörhead brought their 40th Anniversary Tour to the Oakdale in Wallingford, Connecticut. Supporting their 22nd studio release “Bad Magic”. Legendary band Anthrax and up and coming band Crobot are the tours supporting acts.
After a solid set from Crobot and incredible set from Anthrax, it’s time for Motörhead. The lights dim and Lemmy Kilmister approaches the mic stand with bass in hand and delivers his iconic intro, saying “We are Motörhead and we play Rock n’ Roll”. Then the band kicks into “Damage Case“, off of the 1979 release “Overkill”.
Following “Damage Case”, they played “Stay Clean” and “Metropolis”, both also off the “Overkill” release. As the show went on, they ripped through many classics like “Over the Top”, “Bomber” “The Chase is Better than the Catch” and personal favorite of mine “Ace of Spades”. After “Over the Top” Phil Campbell performs a great solo leaving everyone wanting more. And during the song “Dr. Rock”, drummer Mikkey Dee performs an ear splitting drum solo. The band finishes their 11 song set and left us with one encore song by playing “Overkill“. From the crowds response, you can tell many were waiting to hear this song.
With Motörhead being only a three piece band, their sound is incredibly full. This is likely from Lemmy’s heavy riffing and unique bass guitar sound. Mikkey Dee’s drumming is thunderous and Phil Campbell’s guitar playing style is in your face and gritty. There is no wonder Motörhead has been around for 40 years.
1. Damage Case
2. Stay Clean
3. Metropolis
4. Over the Top
5. Guitar Solo
6. The Chase is Better than the Catch
7. Rock It
8. Lost Woman Blues
9. Doctor Rock
10. Just ‘Coz You Got the Power
11. Bomber
12. Ace of Spades
13. Overkill
Motörhead at the Oakdale in Wallingford, Connecticut