Photos and Review by Sarah Smith
Galleries: The Early November, Saosin, Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional
I have absolutely no shame what so ever when it comes to the music I grew up with as an awkward teenager. I’m one of those poor suckers who spent their junior year in high school in their car crying to Taking Back Sunday over some stupid crush, truly believing that somewhere somehow they could hear me. So naturally, when I heard that a good handful of the bands I grew up with were coming together on tour the young hopeless romantic teenager inside me was ecstatic.
I arrived in at the outdoor pavilion in Boston just as the sun was beginning to make its way behind the skyline. I looked around and expected a much younger crowd, yet majority of the people I saw were around the late 20s age range. This is always promising as you know you all share that one same memory of sobbing in your car, immediately feeling connected with everyone around you.
The Early November began the show for a beautiful, intimate set to welcome concert goers into the venue that night. Ace Enders took the stage and immediately everyone was sucked in, he moved across the stage gracefully and sang deep, beautiful notes that slowly everyone began remembering. Everyone around me began to sing For All of This as we journeyed down Memory Lane together.
Saosin took the stage next. Anthony Green wasted absolutely no time getting his crowd going. He knew just how to interact with everyone around him and make everyone feel involved. Green’s eyes were full of emotion as he threw himself across the stage singing his loudest notes and wrapped the mic chord tightly around his neck. He was so intense to watch, I found it intriguing. He was present by all means, but that closer I looked at him the more clear it seemed that he created his own place up there on stage. Everything else was behind him and placed on a temporary hold.
The third band was my absolute all time favorite, Taking Back Sunday. I’ll admit it, this was easily my 22nd time seeing these guys over the last decade and it will never get old for me. Adam Lazarra took the stage with sunglasses on and wearing his usual devilish smirk, raising his hand towards the crowd. TBS went immediately into Cute Without the E, in my past experience they always put this song towards the end of most set lists, as it can be super climatic. But I love that they chose to open with that song this time. Throughout their set Adam hushed everyone down and asked if the really reason why everyone here was for the Nostalgia, and everyone cheered on in support. “All right,” he began “This is our last song and it’s called MakeDamnSure.” And the crowd exploded. I felt it. I felt every emotion in that crowd as I began to travel back down the lovely lane of memories with everyone else that night.
Lastly, Dashboard Confessional took the stage. The night was dark now and the venue was pretty much packed full. Chris Carrabba took the stage and commented on how beautiful everyone looked in the venue. He sang and played, but really the crowd was singing so loudly that he was being drowned out. He moved along to play Screaming Infidelities and lastly closing with Hands Down and everyone was singing their hearts out and their guts spilling everywhere. I looked around as people cried while smiling, strangers were probably kissing.
As I thought to myself…What a beautiful moment to be apart of.
Taste of Chaos Tour – Blue Hills Bank Pavilion – Boston, MA