Photos and Review by Bethany Anna Packer
Motionless In White photos HERE
The Devil Wears Prada photos HERE
The Color Morale photos HERE
Motionless In White and The Devil Wears Prada’s Apollo X Tour tore its way through Boston on October 19th, prepping us for All Hallows’ Eve with a night full of adrenaline inducing metal. The crowd at the House of Blues was an eclectic mix of people all sharing a love for the killer line up that was about to serve up a tasting menu of various flavors from the delicious music genre.
The Color Morale opened up the show, and lead singer Garett Rapp immediately got the crowd in a metalcore induced craze belting out “Burn Victims”. The group couldn’t have started the show stronger, with crowd surfers in the air almost immediately following the first song and throughout the set.
Next to perform was Upon a Burning body, taking the stage looking dapper dressed in suits and bathed in dark red lighting. By the end of the set a tattooed and shirtless lead Danny Leal had the fans in a frenzy, screaming along the lyrics.
I had the highest expectations of the night for The Devil Wear’s Prada. Of the Apollo X line up, TDWP was the band I was most anxious to see. And I was not at all disappointed. The Christian metalcore band hit the stage with explosive energy from beginning to end in a blur of mic cords and metal hair. Vocalist/guitarist Jeremy DePoyster was fascinating to watch as he worked the entire stage, rocking a TDWP varsity jacket (I have to admit I picked one up for myself at the merch table after the set). I was very pleasantly surprised to watch as the group performed their newest EP, Space in its entirety as a steady stream of crowd surfers worked their way to the front to get closer to the band. I certainly wasn’t alone as it was clear that everyone in the room devoured every moment.
After TDWP wowed us all, there was a lull in the action as Motionless in White’s elaborate stage setup was put together. In the end, it was worth the wait. The Halloween-themed stage blanketed in Jack-O-Lanterns, TV screens broadcasting horror film clips and an eerie orange glow. The setup was visually captivating and provided a perfect background for what was to come.
MIW was preceded to the stage by skeleton masked mavens with machine guns. The die-hard MIW fans went insane as the group took the stage to “Death March” fronted by lead Chris “Motionless” Cerulli who was disguised in a Joker costume. The rest of the group were also dressed up in the Halloween spirit, including bassist Devin “Ghost” Sola in a Michael Myers mask and various Zombies. They put on a killer show sampling a good variety of tracks from their most recent album Reincarnate along with songs from their older albums. It became clear to me that Motionless In White’s fans are passionately devoted… and it is easy to see why, as they are true performers.
The Devil Wears Prada and Motionless In White at the House of Blues – Boston, MA