Photos and Review by Jeff Palmucci
The Fray Photos HERE
Train Photos HERE
Train and The Fray played the Xfinity Center last Saturday on their Picasso At the Wheel Tour. I photographed the show, but I have to admit that I didn’t do it for myself. I did it because my wife Pam is a crazy Fray fan. Unfortunately, at the last minute, she couldn’t get a babysitter and missed the show. So, in the interests of transparency, I should point out that I have huge upside for rubbing this concert in her face. Maybe, she’ll get another babysitter next time.
The Fray ran through a great set. During Hurricane, lead Isaac Slade took a run through the audience, briefly transforming the grass area at the Xfinity Center into the good seats. On his way back, he stopped right next to me and asked the girl sitting next to me up on stage! (OK, that last bit was a dig at my wife. But Pam, it could have happened if you were there.)
Unfortunately, since this was a soundboard shoot, I wasn’t able to snap the set list, but they mixed it up about half and half between their last studio album Helios, and older stuff, including my favorite track of theirs How to Save a Life.
Train was up next with lead Pat Monahan engaging the crowd and putting on a pretty spirited show. He told one story about a previous trip to Boston, in which he took a stroll through the crowd and someone stole the handkerchief that he usually has hanging out of his back pocket. He only had a couple of seconds to be bummed out before someone actually put it back into his pocket. No wonder these guys feel comfortable taking walks through the crowd (during Bruises, for Train). That’s way nicer than I’d expect the crowd to be at one of my typical heavy metal shows. They’d have probably taken his handkerchief, his shirt, and maybe his wallet.
Train invited kids from the audience up on stage during a number to dance. At the head of the line was this cute little girl that had to be about 3 years old. I don’t think she really knew what to make of the experience, but Monahan led her around by the hand when he realized she didn’t really know where to go or what to do. So. Freakin’. Cute.
All in all it was a great show. To my lovely wife, who couldn’t be there, I have one thing to say: Jealous much?
Train and The Fray at the Xfinity Center – Mansfield, MA