Photos and Review by Sarah Smith
Photo Galleries: Between the Buried and Me, August Burns Red
I don’t necessarily consider myself a huge metal fan, however I always enjoyed the scene and the energy of the shows. I loved August Burns Red, and to see them live was always something I knew I would enjoy. This time around they joined forces with Between the Buried and Me. The State Theatre was packed. what I always loved about metal shows is they make me feel the same kind of comfort and happiness I have at a punk show. An abundance of mohawks, tattoos, chicks being tossed around on top of the crowd, etc. But everyone is so damn nice and it becomes a small community of people looking out for one another. Everyone just wants everyone else to have a good time and no one wants to see anyone get hurt.
Starting the night was Good Tiger; a quick set but the band did a fantastic job of setting the stage for the following bands. Elliot Coleman’s vocals went from high note screaming immediately to soft and slow. Had they had more time, I imagine their set would have really taken off.
Following Good Tiger was August Burns Red, a metal band filled with positive energy and they “follow your gut” inspirational lyrics. Lead singer and front man Jake Luhrs immediately took stage and gave the crowd what they came for; upbeat, hardcore metal forced into your ears. What I love so much about the energy of this band was they seem so damn pissed off, yet beneath all the screaming and exposed veins of Luhrs’s neck is total inspiring, positive, messages. They just need to be heard. I was quickly reminded why I love pursuing my own goals so much. Man, I felt good watching these guys and I know I shared the feeling with everyone in the State Theatre that night.
Between the Buried & Me was headlining for the evening. I had never heard of BTBAM but I figured if they were on tour with August Burns Red then I must be in for a treat. They came out slowly and quietly. The lighting was atmospheric and dark as the crowd went absolutely nuts. I watched Tommy Rogers take center stage and play a slow, melancholic melody on key board. As I listened I wondered what kind of musical journey this band would be taking me on. I sensed a climax coming and sure enough the melody soon switched to hardcore notes as Rogers grabbed the mic and began singing metal notes across the stage. The crowd belted out along with him as Rogers moved across the stage. It was quite the build up that was almost anticipated, but the initial shock from slow and sensual to hard and abrasive was amazing. Paul Waggoner was fascinating to watch on guitar, his hair is so long it reminded me of an ocean wave swaying back and forth as he shred. In my opinion, BTBAM was one of the best bands I had ever seen, especially lacking any beforehand knowledge of them. They delivered their fans and myself a truly mesmerizing and memorable show.
August Burns Red and Between the Buried And Me – State Street Theatre – ME