by Michelle Cucchiaro
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The road was long and empty and the scenery along the way showed signs of a still-beautiful-but-past-its-prime New England fall day. I was headed to the Calvin Theater in the little town of Northampton Mass. Northampton is in the western part of the state, a three hour drive from my home on the Northshore, and is in stark contrast to the hustling and bustling of music venues in eastern Mass.
As is sometimes the case, I was not familiar with the artists du jour so I did a bit of YouTube research prior to the show so I’d know what to expect. Rodrigo y Gabriela are an acoustic duo and I’m a fan of acoustic guitar so I was looking forward to the show. The show opened with Norwegian rocker Oystein Greni. He performed solo and acoustically but he’s best known for being a founding member of the Norwegian rock and roll band BigBang. Greni has a great sound and gives a thoughtful performance. It was a toasty warm-up to RyG.
RyG’s stage design was minimalist and allowed room to visually focus on who concert-goers had come to see– Rodrigo y Gabriela. The stage was darkened when they emerged from the shadows and the audience instantly showed their appreciation. Stage lights slowly rose in rich red tones matching the warmth that emanated from expertly played instruments upon the stage. Fingers flew across strings like hummingbirds on a warm sunny day. They made it look so easy. They lost themselves as they stood upon that stage, eyes closed, playing their instruments in perfect concert. It’s really a sight to see, two artists so perfectly matched.
Gabriela, with her bubbling personality and infectious smile, has a commanding playing style all her own. Her fingers flutter across strings as her hand beats the guitar body adding a tribal percussive element to each tune. She hugs her guitar like a long lost friend and honestly becomes one with it. The beauty of her musical expression is matched equally with Rodrigo’s intensity.
RyG was nearing the end of their three week US tour with the Northampton show being their second to last gig. They’d play one more show in Boston before heading back to their respective homes for a month-long break and then starting another European tour. They explained that they typically come with a prepared set list but tonight they’d let it ride and let the audience decide. The fans were up for it and eagerly shouted out their favorite tunes. RyG happily obliged. They put on a fantastic show with unbelievably beautiful sights and sounds! This duo is a well oiled musical machine and a must see if ever you get the opportunity.
Rodrigo y Gabriela at The Calvin Theater – MA